Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Library Thing is a great idea. I have posted 12 books that I have read or that I am interested in reading. I am anxiouly waiting for the recommended reading list. I think that library patrons would be interested in knowing about this site.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Monday, November 17, 2008

rss feeds

I don't find any use for them personally, but they are neat! I would like to be able to have time to set up a lot of rss feeds and then it might be helpful. I wish we didn't have to deal with the new vocabulary like "rss feeds." It is confusing to me.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

My Thermostat

This week I did something any twelve year old could do. I replaced the thermostat on my furnace. There were four colors of wire and about twelve places that they could be connected. After about a half hour I found out that the wires went in the side bottom of the boxes on the back plate of the thermostat. I had already put little stickers on each wire to tell which letter receptacle they went to. It only took me ten minutes to finish-voila!

Khumbu Glacier

Khumbu Glacier
Originally uploaded by laney_k
Really neat pictures on Flickr. This one is from "travel".

Flickr Color Picker

Originally uploaded by High Fidelity
Sort of makes me sea sick!

Online Image Generators

Very Playful Site. Might be good for a theme for an activity or something.